Wednesday, October 23, 2013


Hello world, I hope all is going well for everyone me and my kiddos well it's touch and go.

This last weekend we spent time with Grandma Mary (other wise known as my mother) now Grandma Mary is very popular among my young ones why? well..... if you ask my daughter why she loves Grandma Mary she will reply "because she spoils me" and that's about it, my mother is a huge Goodwill fan she shops there all the time and every time I see her since I live about 3 blocks away from a local Goodwill she almost always insists that we "take a peek" which means I want to buy your kids more toys they don't need. I don't mind when she helps out and buys them books and nice things, however we always end up with the junk toys that always end up going back to goodwill about a month later. Well this time was fairly productive since she only got my children some nice thick books, and some nice thick sweaters. Both of which are going to be fantastic to have in the coming months. The books are thick which with my son Taylor who likes to chew everything since he started teething has has never stopped. The sweaters.....I live in Wisconsin one of the coldest states in the US and dare I say the famous words from Game of Thrones but "winter is coming". In our deep winters it gets to being colder than my freezer and since I always know this is coming I say bring on the sweaters, hoodies, and layers.

Yesterday however Taylor was sick, he threw up on our way to get Claire and when we got home a few more times, we actually ran out of clean PJs for him to wear to bed :( poor lil guy his sister was supper helpful getting me paper towels and cuddling up with her brother when he wanted her to. I however of course had grunt work which consisted of cleaning the vomit and getting vomitted on it's days like these I sit back and think what I wouldn't give to be able to split in half so one of me can finish dinner without burning it and the other to hold and snuggle the little guy and try and help him sleep. This morning he is doing ALOT better even has time to beg mom for attention oh joy!

Well until next time from my family to yours!
Happy Day!

Saturday, October 19, 2013

Hello World

Hello world and this is the dawn of a new day isn't it, I've decided that after reading just about every mother's blog out there that it might just be time to start one of my own. So lets start with some information about me and my family who you will probably hear a ton about.

First of all there is my husband Dustin, or Dusty as I might call him. He is my partner in crime and frequent side kick. He loves cars and motorcycles and just about anything electronic and "manly" but he has a good heart and he goes out of his way to help anyone and everyone we know. How did we meet you may ask well.....we met online actually. I was 19 years old and really quite bored just graduated high school and all of my friends went out of town for the college of their choice while I chose to stay at home and go to a local school, so I figured I would meet someone online so I can at least make a new friend or two in town plus I was single and a boyfriend probably wouldn't hurt ether, while yes I did meet some nice guys some things just didn't work out, and than I get a message from a Retto216 (which is otter spelled backwards) and at first it was slow emails, he eventually gave me his myspace/facebook page when I first saw his daughter and we started talking about her and that is where we took off we met and it was love at first date.

Which brings me to the next member of my family my step daughter, she is a little fireball, she is a bundle of energy and always has been, me and Claire met when she was a little over a year old and we have been 2 of a pair ever since. She loves to play dress up and pretend, she loves to play the princess, frog, pony, pirate, dinosaur and just about anything else you can imagine. I am always surprised at even though this girl is so high energy that when my youngest is sleeping she is perfectly happy to sit and color or read a book for an hour to an hour and a half so her little brother can get a good nap in. Claire is my supper helper she helps me playing with her brother, she helps with sweeping, she even helps me clean up her toys even if she didn't even make the she an angel of some sort or something. Even though I am not Claire's biological mother I am her mother, and probably the only one she will remember for most of her life, her mother recently died this last year and since than I have made it my job to be the best mom for her and her brother.

And Last but certainly not least we have little Taylor, who is about 2 years old, he's our little climber, he just wants to climb anything and everything. Taylor is a mans man, he likes to play ball and play with tools (real or toys) he likes to dig and climb and build and pretty much attempts everything his big sister does. But every rare moment he will come up to me and simply want to snuggle....or get his paws on my glasses not quite sure which most days.

But we are a family, and here is where I will share my advice and our adventures as a family. :D
Happy Day